آیت الله العظمی فاضلی بهسودی (مدظله العالی)

ayatullah Fazeli Behsoodi, Mohammad Bagher

  • ژوئن 20, 2024 ساعت: 8:50
  • 223 بازدید
  • پ

    God, human, and the world are the three fundamental issues of human thought. Among them, cognition of the human and the hidden mysteries within him holds special significance. The unique spiritual characteristics of humans, such as reason, creativity, dignity, responsibility, and purposefulness in life, set them apart from other beings. For this reason, the Holy Quran and traditions have paid considerable attention to these qualities.

    A- Creation of Human

    The Holy Quran mentions the creation of humans in various verses, stating that humans are created from dust, water, and a sperm-drop:

    1-The Holy Quran considers the origin of the emergence of all humans from the earth (Ta-Ha 20:55).

    2- Another verse identifies the origin of human creation as dust (Ar-Rūm 30: 20).

    3- God created humans from clay (Al-An‘ām 6:2).

    4- God has created humans from water and a sperm-drop (As-Sajdah 32:8).

    B- Purpose and Mystery of Human Creation

    According to the Quran, the purpose of human creation is to worship God and attain blisess and perfection. However, reaching such a position is only possible through worship and obedience to the Almighty. Based on this, the Quran considers human creation’s purpose solely worship and servitude (Adh-Dhāriyāt 51: 56).

    C- Free Will and Responsibility of Human

    Human is a being endowed with divine nature and disposition, and through worship and acquiring spiritual and ethical virtues, reaches the divine caliphate. Therefore, using reason and revelation, humans must strive to attain perfection.

    From the Holy Quran’s perspective, humans have the will and choice to opt for one of the two paths of happiness or misery (Al-Insān 76: 3). According to these characteristics, the Quran considers humans responsible and answerable to themselves, their God, and God’s creatures.

    1. Responsibility of Human Towards Self

    Humans naturally love themselves, and all their actions are based on self-love. Therefore, humans have a responsibility towards themselves and to all the forces given to them to nurture, manage correctly, and use them in the way God intends. By strengthening faith and piety, humans can moderate their sensual desires and instincts (Al-Asra 17:36; At-Tahrīm 66: 6).

    1. Responsibility of Human Towards God

    Based on the principles of monotheism, only God is the creator of all beings. Therefore, human beings were created and are servants of God. This servitude, in addition to being the greatest honor and highest perfection of humans, also requires obligation and responsibility of humans towards God.

    1. Responsibility of Human Towards God’s Creation

    Since Humans are civil and social beings, they cannot fulfill their life needs alone; they are compelled to meet their needs by cooperating with their fellow beings. Therefore, humans have a responsibility towards society and their fellow beings to regulate their social relationships and interactions based on divine

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