آیت الله العظمی فاضلی بهسودی (مدظله العالی)

ayatullah Fazeli Behsoodi, Mohammad Bagher

  • ژوئن 20, 2024 ساعت: 9:01
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    ارسال توسط :

    Nabuwat is the third foundation principle of religion (Osul-E-Din). It means that Allāh appointed messengers among people to deliver divine messages, guide them, and show them how to live.

    Allāh sent many prophets to guide fellow human beings. The first prophet sent to the world to guide mankind was Adam (AS), and the last was Muhammad (SA), who brought Allāh’s comprehensive and eternal religion. However, all prophets had the same goal: faith in Allāh, resurrection, and obeying religious instructions. In this sense, after sending the apostles, mankind has no argument against Allāh (Al-Isrā’17: 15).

    There are two types of prophethood (Nabuwat): general Nabuwat and Special Namuwat.

    A- General Nabuwat (Nabuwat-E-Aammeh)

    General Nabuwat deals with topics such as the importance and necessity of sending prophets, revelation, the infallibility of prophets, the ways of recognizing prophets, and the proofs of Nabuwat.

    One: The Necessity of Prophethood

    Different reasons have been discussed for the necessity of sending prophets to humankind:

    1. Justice

    Human beings cannot establish justice in society by themselves because establishing justice in all aspects of life requires laws as well as the administration of justice according to those laws. Therefore, the administration of justice requires a judicious and impartial administrator who is not influenced by personal desires. As a result, mankind needs divine prophets (Al-Hadīd 57: 25).

    1. Insufficiency of Reason and Limitations of Human


    Considering different aspects of human life and the complex issues the man is involved in various fields, insufficient knowledge and reason of human is unable to achieve a complete and comprehensive understanding of all aspects. Therefore, humankind needs nabuwat and prophets who can receive divine knowledge to guide mankind to resolve their difficult life problems and help them develop their intellect and talents.

    1. Human’s Need to Education

    As humans cannot find the way to happiness and perfection by themselves, they need a series of correct teachings free from mistakes and based on the realities of human existence. On the other hand, humans need competent and model teachers, i.e., prophets. Therefore, in order to reach perfection, the education of the prophets is necessary (Al-Jumu‘ah 62: 2).

    Two: Proving the Prophethood

    The claimant of the prophethood had to have the following items to prove that his claim was true:

    1. Confirming the Mission by the Previous Prophets

    The previous prophets, whose prophethood (nabuwat) had been proved by definite reasons, should confirm the prophethood of the next prophet.

    1. Miracle

    A way to distinguish true prophets from false claimants of prophethood is a miracle. That is, true prophets brought miracles to prove their prophecy. The miracle is extraordinary work, which the prophets have performed with Allāh’s permission, and ordinary people are not able to perform[1].

    1. Indications and Evidence

    Another way to distinguish true prophets from false claimants of prophecy is to consider some indications and evidence, such as moral perfection, human virtue, trustworthiness, and honesty.

    Three: Characteristics of Prophets (Khasa’is Al-Nabi)

    Since divine prophets have heavy responsibilities that ordinary people are not able to perform, they must possess characteristics and privileges over others, such as receiving divine revelation, performing miracles, and being infallible and knowledgeable.

    1. Receiving Revelation (Wahi)

    A common characteristic of all prophets was receiving divine revelation.

    1. Infallibility (Ismat)

    Ismat is a special grace of Allāh to a person, which enables the said person to abstain from sins by his/her own free will[2]. Prophets must be innocent and infallible from any sin, mistake, and error so that people can trust their words and have faith in Allāh.

    Here are two reasons for prophets’ infallibility:

    1. a) Rational Reason (Aqli)

    People need to trust prophets to believe in their words and follow them. People can trust prophets only if their acts correspond to their words; therefore, Allāh’s wisdom and grace require prophets to be pure and innocent to fulfill their mission[3].

    1. b) Textual Argument (Naqli)
    2. The Holy Quran says about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), “Nor does he speak out of [his own] desire, but it is just a revelation that is revealed [to him]’’ (An-Najm 53: 3&4).
    3. Imām Baqir (AS) said, “Prophets do not commit sins because they are all innocent and pure, and they do not commit any capital or minor sin[4].
    4. Knowledge of the Unseen World (Elm-E-Ghaib)

    The most important characteristic of prophets is their knowledge of the unseen world, which allows them to fulfill their mission. Allāh discloses His knowledge of the past and future to His prophets through revelation (Al-Jinn 72:26 & 27).

    Four: Prophets Who Had Books and Divine Religious Laws

    Allāh sent 124000 prophets to guide mankind; however, they were not in the same position. In this sense, the prophets (Anbiya’) are divided into two groups: some of them did not have an independent book and law but preached and promoted the Sharia of the prophet sent before. Some of the prophets had independent books and religious laws. They are known as “Ulu’l-‘Azm”, who were five:

    1. The prophet Noah (AS);
    2. The prophet Ibrahim (AS);
    3. The prophet Moses (AS);
    4. The prophet Jesus (AS);
    5. The prophet Muhammad (SA).

    Note: All of these prophets had the same principle and purpose. We respect all prophets.

    B- Special Nabuwat (Nabuwat-E-Khasse)

    The special Nabuwat involves the Prophet Muhammad’s prophethood (SA). The Holy Quran called him the last apostle (Al- Ahzāb 33: 40). There will be no prophet and religion after him because his religion is complete, comprehensive, and eternal (Al- Mā’idah 5: 3).

    The Prophet Muhammad’s book is the Holy Quran, and Islam is his religion. The people who believe in and follow Muhammad (SA)’s religion are called Muslims.

    C- Proofs of Muhammad (SA)’s Prophethood

    Three ways can be used to prove the prophethood (Nabuwat) of the Holy Prophet: miracles, the good news of the previous Prophet, and evidence.

    1. Jesus’s Good News about the Prophet Muhammad

    A way to prove the prophet Muhammad’s (SA) nabuwat is the previous prophets’ good news about him. Many former prophets brought the good news about the coming of the next prophet. For example, the Prophet Jesus brought the good news of the close advent of the Prophet Muhammad, “there will be another prophet named Ahmad after me” (As-Saf 61:6).

    1. Miracle

    As the Prophet Muhammad (SA) is the last of the prophets and apostles and had a final and eternal mission, his miracles must last forever. The Holy Quran is the most important and eternal miracle and a decisive proof of his prophethood. It declares that no one would be able to produce or bring one like the Holy Quran (Al-Isrā’17: 88).

    1. Indications and Evidence

    Many indications and evidence prove the Holy Prophet’s Nabuwat, such as trustworthiness, honesty, fighting tyranny, defending the oppressed, as well as fighting idolatry and superstitions.


    1. What are two reasons for the necessity of Be’sat?
    2. What are two proofs of prophethood?
    3. What is the most important miracle of the Holy Prophet?
    4. Which prophet is mentioned in the Holy Quran who brought the good news of the advent of the Prophet Muhammad (SA)?

    [1]. Jafar Sobhani, elahiyat. Vol. 1, pp 375-376.

    [2]. Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei, Tafsir Al-Mizan, vol. 2, p.142

    [3]. Nasiruddin Toosi, Tajrid Al-E’teghad, p. 213; Mohammad Bagher Fazeli Behsudi, Answers to Quranic Questions, pp. 168-169

    [4]. Shaykh al- Saduq, Al-Khisal, pp 399.

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