آیت الله العظمی فاضلی بهسودی (مدظله العالی)

ayatullah Fazeli Behsoodi, Mohammad Bagher

  • ژوئن 20, 2024 ساعت: 14:01
  • 455 بازدید
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    ارسال توسط :

    Wuḍūʾ is an act performed on the command of Allāh and to attain His proximity.

    A- The Obligatory Acts of Ablution (Wuḍūʾ)

     The obligatory acts in Wuḍūʾ are the following:

    1. Intention of proximity to Allāh;
    2. Washing the face;
    3. Washing the arms;
    4. Wiping the front part of the head;
    5. Wiping the top of the feet;
    6. This must be performed in the sequence (Tartīb)
    7. This Wuḍūʾ must be performed in close succession (Muwālāh) (Issue 280).

    B- The Conditions of a Valid Wuḍūʾ

    Title Conditions
    1.  Conditions of  Wuḍūʾ water 1. Water must be pure (Tahir).
    2. Water must be unmixed (Mutlaq).
    3. Water must be permissible (Mubah).
    2. Conditions of the container of Wuḍūʾ water 4. Wuḍūʾ water container must be permissible (Mubah).
    5. Wuḍūʾ water container must not be made of gold or silver.
    3. Conditions of    the place of Wuḍūʾ 6. The place of Wuḍūʾ must be permissible (Mubah).
    4. Conditions of  membership of Wuḍūʾ 7. While washing and Wiping, members of the ablution must be pure.
    8.  Water must reach all members of Wuḍūʾ without obstruction.
    5. Conditions of the person who performs Wuḍūʾ 9. He must have sufficient time for performing Wuḍūʾ and prayers.
    10.  He must have the intention of proximity to Allāh (qurbah) in Wuḍūʾ.
    11. Water must not be harmful to him.
    12.  He must perform the acts of   Wuḍūʾ sequentially (Tartīb).
    13.  He must perform the acts of Wuḍūʾ consecutively (Muwālāh).
    14.  He must perform the acts of Wuḍūʾ himself (Issue 309-342).

    C- How to Perform Wuḍūʾ

    Wuḍūʾ can be done in two ways: in the sequence or the form of immersion (Irtimasi).

    1. Method of Sequential Wuḍūʾ

    One-Washing Face

    The face must be washed from the top of the forehead (where the hair of the head grows) to the end of the chin, and its breadth should be washed between the middle finger and thumb. If even a small part of this amount is not washed, the Wuḍūʾ is invalid

     (Issue 281).

    Two- Washing Hands

    After washing the face, one must first wash the right arm, then the left arm from the elbow to the tips of the fingers (Issue 289).

    Laws of Washing Face and Hands

    1. In Wuḍūʾ, the face and arms must be washed from top to bottom, and if they are washed from bottom to top (the opposite way around), the Wuḍūʾ is invalid (Issue 287).
    2. In Wuḍūʾ, washing the face and hands for the first time is obligatory; washing them for the second time is recommended, and washing them for the third time or more is unlawful (Ḥarām). If one or two palms (handfuls) of water are poured in a way that covers the whole face, it is considered as one washing. The second time water is poured in the same manner, it is regarded as a second washing (Issue 292).

    Third- Wiping the Head

    After washing both arms, the front part of the head must be wiped from top to bottom with the wetness of the water remaining on the right hand.

    Four- Wiping the Feet

    1. After wiping the head, the top of the feet should be wiped with the wetness left on the hands, from the tip of one finger to the bump on the foot or joint of the foot. With the right hand, wipe the right foot, and with the left hand, wipe the left foot (Issues 296 & 303).
    2. The place to be wiped must be dry; if it is so wet that the wetness of the palm of the hand does not influence it, wiping is invalid (Issues 300).
    3. The Method of Immersion Wuḍūʾ Irtimāsī)

    In immersion Wuḍūʾ, one immerses his face from the forehead and his hands from the elbows in water with the intention of performing Wuḍūʾ. Wiping the head and feet with the wetness of the hands -in Immersive ablution- is a matter of doubt; therefore, the right hand must be immersed in water from the elbow to the fingertips with the intention of Wuḍūʾ, and the left hand must also be immersed in water from the elbow, but one must not immerse a part of the left palm in the water but must wash it with the right hand in the form sequence, then wipe with it (Issues 305 & 306).

    1. Rules of Jabīrah Wuḍūʾ(Splint Ablution)

    “Jabīrah” is the name of the bandage used to wrap wounds and fractures and the medicine applied to them.

    Types of Jabīrah

    1- Opened Wound

    A wound, sore, or fractured bone in the area in which Wuḍūʾ is performed can be divided into three types:

    1. If water use is not harmful, one must perform Wuḍūʾ normally (Issue 368).
    2. If water is harmful, it must be washed around the wound or sore from top to bottom. If wiping a wet hand on it is not harmful, one must wipe with a wet hand on it; then he places a pure cloth on it and wipes with a wet hand on it as well (Issue 369).
    3. When there is a wound or fracture in the area of wiping (the front of the head or the legs), it is impossible to wipe; one must perform tayammum instead. As a precaution, he performs Wuḍūʾ and places a pure cloth over it and wipes on the cloth with the wetness of the Wuḍūʾ water left on his hand as well (Issue 370).

    2- Closed Wound

    When a wound, sore, or fractured bone is covered, there are two types:

    One- Wound can be opened; there are two types:

    1. If water use is not harmful, one must open the wound and perform Wuḍūʾ (Issue 371).
    2. If the use of the water is harmful, one must wash the area surrounding the wound and wipe on the Jabīrah (Issue 372).

    Two-The wound cannot be opened; there are three types:

    1. When the Jabīrah is pure and reaching the water is not harmful, water should be poured over the wound from top to bottom (Issue 373).
    2. If the Jabīrah is impure and it is possible to wash it with water, one must wash it with water, and at the time of performing Wuḍūʾ, he must reach the water to the wound.
    3. If the Jabīrah is impure, impossible to reach water, or harmful, the person must perform tayammum (Issue 373).

    D- Acts for Which Wuḍūʾ Is Obligatory

    Wuḍūʾ becomes obligatory in the following six cases:

    1. All obligatory prayers, except for the prayer for the dead (Ṣalāt-mayyit);
    2. For the forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud during prayer;
    3. To perform the obligatory circumambulation (ṭawāf) of the Holy Ka’bah;
    4. If one had made a vow (Nadhr) or a covenant (ʿAhd) or had taken an oath (Qasam) that he would perform Wuḍūʾ;
    5. A person who makes a vow (Nadhr) to touch the Holy Qurān with a part of his body;
    6. For washing the Holy Qurān, which has become impure (Issue360).

    E. Things That Invalidate Wuḍūʾ

    Seven things invalidate Wuḍūʾ:

    1. Urinating;
    2. Defecating;
      3. Wind that comes out from the anus;
      4. Sleeping, in which the eye cannot see and the ear cannot hear;
    3. Things that cause a person to lose their mind, such as insanity, intoxication, and unconsciousness;
      6. Istiḥāḍah of a woman;
      7. Janābat (Issue367).

    F- Doubts about Wuḍūʾ

    1. If a person doubts whether he has performed Wuḍūʾ or not, he must perform Wuḍūʾ(Issue 345).
    2. If a person doubts after prayers whether he had performed Wuḍūʾ or not if he pays attention to his situation, his prayers are valid, but he must perform Wuḍūʾ for the next prayers (Issue 348).
    3. If a person doubts during the prayer whether he has performed Wuḍūʾ or not, his prayer is invalid, and he must perform Wuḍūʾ and repeat the prayer (Issue 349).


    1. What are the conditions of Wuḍūʾ?
    2. Wuḍūʾ is obligatory for what actions?
    3. What things invalidate Wuḍūʾ?
    4. What are the types of Wuḍūʾ?

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