Islam, a comprehensive and complete religion, is based on fundamental principles, i.e., pillars of religion. The pillars of religion are the basic beliefs of Islam, which a person is required to accept to be considered a Muslim. The pillars of religion are five:
- Oneness of Allāh (Tawḥīd);
- Divine justice (‘Adl-e-Elahi);
- Prophecy (Nubuwat);
- Imāmat (Leadership);
- Resurrection (ma’ad/Qiyyamat).
First pillar: Oneness of Allāh (Tawḥīd)
The fundamental principle of religion is belief in the “Oneness of Allāh”, i.e., Allāh is the only one, and He has no peer, no partner, and is incomparable. He is independent of anything. No one is like Him (Ash-Shūra 42:11).
A- Proofs of the Existence of Allāh
The following two reasons prove the existence of God:
- The Argument of Nature (Borhan-e-Fetrat)
If a person pays attention to himself, he finds himself a weak and dependent being who cannot live without the help of a wise and powerful creator. That is, man has a kind of knowledge and natural tendency towards Allāh and calls him (Ar- Rūm 30:30).
- The Argument of Order (Borhan-e-Nazm)
A closer look at all of the phenomena in the world reveals that there is precise order, design, and coordination between different parts of the world. Every phenomenon is directed towards a specific goal. Such an order indicates the existence of a wise and knowledgeable designer; however, only the people who possess intellect can understand these signs
(Al Imran 3:190).
B- Proofs of the Oneness of Allāh
- Just as man, through his nature, finds the principle of the existence of Allāh and calls for Him, he also perceives His absolute unity and oneness because experience has indicated that in times of emergency, man only takes refuge in an unseen power.
- On the other hand, the order governing the universe also reveals that there is only one designer and order-giver (al-Anbiyaa 21: 22).
C- Types of Monotheism
In Islam, Monotheism is the soul and basis of all the divine teachings and commandments. Monotheism (Tawḥīd) has different types and levels, but four of them are the most important:
- Monotheism of Essence (Tawḥīd-dhati);
- Monotheism of attributes (Tawḥīd-sifati);
- Monotheism in Actions (Tawḥīd-‘af’ali);
- Monotheism in worship (Tawḥīd-‘ibadi);
Each part is explained separately:
- Monotheism of Essence (Tawḥīd-Dhati)
The major type of monotheism is Essential monotheism (Tawhid-dhati), i.e., the essence of Allāh Almighty is unique and incomparable, and no one is like Him. The concept of essential monotheism is declared in the verse of the Holy Quran: “There is nothing like Him”
(Ash-shura 42:11).
- Monotheism of Attributes (Tawḥīd-Sifati)
This type of monotheism refers to attributes such as knowledge, power, and life, which are attributed to Allāh Almighty and are the same as His existence. This is not the case that Allāh is omniscient in one sense and omnipotent in another, but the essence of Allāh and all of His attributes are the same.
- Monotheism in Actions (Tawḥīd -‘Af’ali)
It means that Allāh is the only true independent agent in the universe. All causes, effects, and phenomena that occur in the universe take place under divine power and control and will be effective only with his permission and will. The concept of monotheism in actions is clearly stated in several verses of the Quran: “Allāh is the creator of all things, and He is the guardian and manager of all affairs” (Az-Zumar 39:62).
- Monotheism in Worship (Tawḥīd -‘Ibadi)
Monotheism in worship (Tawḥīd -‘ Ibadi) means that only Allāh deserves to be adored and worshipped. Worshipping any deity besides Allāh is polytheism (shirk). The mission of all prophets was centered on the core belief of monotheism in worship. The concept of Tawḥīd -‘Ibadi is clearly stated in this verse of the Qurān: “Worship Allāh and do not ascribe any partners to Him” (‘An-Nisā’ 4: 36).
D- Attributes of Essence and Attributes of Actions
Allāh’s attributes are divided into attributes of essence and attributes of actions.
- Attributes of Essence
Allāh’s attributes of essence refer to the attributes that are the same as Allāh’s essence, and nothing else is required to attribute them to Allāh, such as life, knowledge, and power.
- Attributes of Actions
Allāh’s attributes of actions, such as “creator” and “provider”, need other attributes to describe Allāh because such attributes can be used for Allāh only if such acts, i.e., creating and providing, are performed.
- What are two ways to know God’s essence?
- What are the types of monotheism?
- What are the attributes of God’s essence?
- What are the attributes of God’s actions?
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