آیت الله العظمی فاضلی بهسودی (مدظله العالی)

ayatullah Fazeli Behsoodi, Mohammad Bagher

  • ژوئن 20, 2024 ساعت: 15:10
  • 142 بازدید
  • 2
    ارسال توسط :

    A- The Disposal of Zakāt

    Zakāt must be spent for the following eight groups:

    1. A poor person (Faqīr) cannot cover his expenses for one year, including those of his dependents.
    2. A needy person (miskīn) is someone whose living conditions are worse than those of a poor person.
    3. One who collects and safeguards Zakāt and maintains its accounts.
    4. Those non-Muslims who will be inclined towards Islam if Zakāt is given to them.
    5. Buying and freeing slaves who are being abused.
    6. Indebted person who are unable to repay their debts.
    7. In the way of Allāh (fī sabīl Allāh): i.e., acts that benefit the general Muslim community, such as the construction of mosques, schools, and public affairs.
    8. One who is helpless during the journey (Ibn al-Sabīl) (Issue 1968).

    One: Conditions of Those Who Deserve Zakāt

    Qualifications of those who receive Zakāt (mustaḥiqq) are in the following conditions:

    1. He must be a Twelver (Ithnā ʿAsharī) Shia;
    2. He must not be a drinker;
    3. He must not be a sinner;
    4. He must not spend Zakāt for sinful purposes;
    5. He must not be of those whose expenses are obligatory on the person, such as his children.
    6. He must not be a Sayyid[1] (Issue 1985-1991).

    Two: The Laws of Zakāt Distribution

    1. The father of a poor son can spend Zakāt to get him married.
    2. With the permission of the Islamic ruler, a father can purchase educational and religious books for his son.
    3. A person can also pay the debts of those whose expenses are mandatory for him (Issues 1993 & 1994).

    B-The Fiṭrah Alms Tax (Zakā-Ul-Fiṭrah)

    Zakāt-ul-fiṭrah is a physical obligation.

    One: The Conditions for Zakāt -Ul-Fiṭrah to Become Obligatory

    At the time of sunset (ghurūb) on the night of Eid-ul- Fiṭr

    (The 1st of Shawwāl), it becomes obligatory for anyone

    who meets the following conditions:

    1. He must be an adult (Bāligh)
    2. He must be sane (ʿĀqil)
    3. He must be free (not a slave);
    4. He must not be unconscious;
    5. He must not be poor;
    6. He must not be from those whose expenses are mandatory on another (Issue 2034).

    Tow: The Type and Amount of Zakāt-Ul-Fiţrah

    For each person, the amount of Zakāt-ul-fiṭrah is approximately three kilos (one ṣā‘) of the following items:

    1. Wheat;
    2. Barley;
    3. Dates;
    4. Raisins;
    5. Rice;
    6. Corn and the like or its price (Issue 2034).

    Three: Conditionsof Those Who Deserve Zakāt-Ul-Fiţrah

    Zakāt -ul-fiṭrah must be given to one of the eight groups mentioned in the Zakāt of the property.

    Four: The Laws of Zakāt-Ul-Fiţrah

    1. All those who are eating food at a person’s house on the night of Eid-fiṭr he must pay Zakāt for all, Whether they are minors or adults, Muslims or not, and whether they must pay their living expenses or not, and whether they live in his city or another (Issue 2036).
    2. A person should give zakÁt with the intention of attaining proximity, and he must specify in his intention whether what he is giving is zakat on a property or Zakāt ul-fiṭrah (Issue 2000).
    3. If a person entitled to receive Zakāt-ul-Fiţrah is found in one’s area, as an obligatory precaution, he must not transfer it to another place. However, if he transfers it to another place and it perishes, he must replace it. If the qualified jurist allows, he can transfer Zakāt-ul-Fiţrah to another place (Issue 2078).


    Question 1:

    On the night of Eid-fiţr, whose Zakāt al-Fiţrah is obligatory on a person?


    Additionally, to those whose expenses are obligatory on him, he must give Zakāt al-Fiţrah to a guest who stayed at his house on the night of Eid and those who are considered his dependents.

    Question 2:

    If the guest gives his Zakāt al-Fiţrah himself on the night of Eid-Fitr, is he exempt from the host’s responsibilities?


    If the guest pays his Zakāt on behalf of the host, it is exempted from the host.



    1. Who are the four groups of people entitled to zakat?
    2. What are the conditions for obligatory Zakāt ul-Fiţrah?

    What are the conditions for Zakāt al-Fiţrah becoming obligatory?

    1. In which case the guest’s Zakāt al-Fiţrah is obligatory on the host?
    2. What are the conditions for transferring Zakāt-Fitrah from one city to another?


    [1]. A sayyid is a male descendant of Hāshim, the great grandfather of Prophet Muḥammad (SA).

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