آیت الله العظمی فاضلی بهسودی (مدظله العالی)

ayatullah Fazeli Behsoodi, Mohammad Bagher

  • ژوئن 20, 2024 ساعت: 9:00
  • 318 بازدید
  • 2
    ارسال توسط :

    The second fundamental principle of religion is divine Justice (‘Adl-e-Elahi). Justice stands as one of the divine attributes. In essence, the term ‘Adl,’ denotes equality and a commitment to the middle limit. In the explication of justice, Imām Ali (AS) articulates that justice is “placing everything in its rightful position”[1].

    Thus, justice means that God acts according to justice, be it in the ” discipline of creation or the discipline of legislation, does not oppress anyone, maintains everything in its rightful position, and treats every being as it deserves.

    A- Arguments of God’s justice

    1. Rational Argument: Irrespective of one’s religious

    beliefs, every individual, through intellect and innate nature, recognizes the inherent goodness of justice and the evil of injustice. Hence, how is it possible that God, who created human nature to love justice and abhor injustice, be unjust Himself? The divine wisdom necessitates adheres to justice, so, no heinous actions emanate from the all-wise God.

    1. Textual Argument: Numerous verses and narrations

    affirm God’s justice and that His sacred nature is free of oppression.

    1. a) The Holy Quran asserts: that “God does not commit oppression; rather, it is people who oppress themselves” (An-Nahl 16:118).
    2. b) Imām Ali, the Commander of the Faithful (AS), asserts: “Allah is above of oppressing His servants; He has ordered justice among His servants and, in His judgments, upholds justice toward them”[2].

    B- Impact of Justice on Individual and Societal Life

    1. Implementation of wisdom: God’s wisdom and

    Justice necessitate assigning each individual according to their capabilities and rewarding or punishing them based on their actions (Al-Baqarah 2: 286).

    1. Respect for the rights of others: Those who believe that

    God is just and anticipate justice from Him, so they observe justice in their Individual and social interactions and respect each other’s rights.


    1. Can you elaborate the concept of justice?
    2. What is the rational Argument for the justice of God?
    3. What is the Textual Argument for the justice of God?
    4. What is the impact of belief in justice on human life?

    [1]. Nahj al-Balaghah, Saying (hekmat) No. 437.

    [2]. Nahj al-Balaghah, sermon, no. 185.

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