آیت الله العظمی فاضلی بهسودی (مدظله العالی)

ayatullah Fazeli Behsoodi, Mohammad Bagher

  • ژوئن 20, 2024 ساعت: 14:00
  • 277 بازدید
  • پ

    Thirteen things make an impure object pure, and these are
    known as “muṭahhirāt”. These are:

    1. Water;
    2. Earth;
    3. The sun;
    4. Transformation (Istiḥālah);
    5. Change (Inqilāb)
    6. Transfer (Intiqāl);
    7. Islam;
    8. Subjection (Taba’iyat);
    9. Removal of the intrinsic impurity (Original Najāsat);
    10. Confining (Istibrā) of the animal which eats impurity (najāsat);
    11. Absence of a Muslim;
    12. Conventional draining of blood from a slaughtered animal;
    13. Stone and Cloth of Istinja.

    One: Water

    Water makes an impure object pure, provided that four
    conditions are met:

    1. The water must be unmixed (Mutlaq);
    2. The water itself must be pure (Tāhir);
    3. When washing impure things, the water must not become mixed (Muḍāf water) before the object has become pure;
    4. After washing an impure object, small particles of intrinsic impurity must not remain on the object

    (Issue 187).

    A- Purification of Impure Objects with Water

    When purifying impure objects, the impurity (original najsat) must be removed, and an amount of water must be poured over the object. It should be squeezed after pouring water if it needs to be squeezed.

    1. Purifying impure things with Kurr, running, or flowing water once is sufficient. However, impure things must be purified twice with water less than Kurr (Qalīl) (Issue 197 & 198).
    2. If an object becomes impure with the urine of a suckling boy or a girl who has not yet started to eat food other than milk, it becomes pure when water is poured on it once, and it reaches the whole impure area. In the case of clothes, carpets, etc., it is not necessary to squeeze them (Issue 199).
    3. If the exterior of wheat, rice, soap, etc., becomes impure, it will become pure by immersion in Kurr or flowing water. If their interior becomes impure, it, like an impure jar, must be placed in Kurr, or flowing water, until the water penetrates all over it (Issue 202).
    4. If the meat’s exterior, tail, etc., becomes impure, it is placed in a container, and water is poured over it three times and emptied; it becomes pure, and the container becomes pure as well. In clothes and things like that, it’s necessary to squeeze the object each time water is poured over it so the remaining water (Ghusālah) is drained from it (Issue 204)
    5. It cannot be purified until the impurity (Original Najāsat) is removed from the impure thing. There is no problem if the impurity is removed by washing, but the smell, color, and taste remain (Issue 208).
    6. The water that is pure but not known whether it has become impure or not is pure. Also, the impure water, unknown whether it has been purified or not, is impure (Issue 92).

    B- The Laws Concerning Emptying (Urination and Feces)

    One: Obligatory Acts of Emptying

    1. It is obligatory (wājib) for a person to cover his private parts When urinating and defecating, and at all times, from those who are obligated (Mukallaf), as well as from insane person and discerning (Mumayyiz) children (who is able to distinguish between right and wrong)

    (Issue 94).

    1. While urinating and defecating, the front of the body (i.e., stomach and chest) must not face the Qibla or the back of the Qibla (Issue 96).

    Two: Unlawful Acts of Emptying

    Places where urination and defecation are unlawful:

    1. Dead-end alleys that their owners do not permit.
    2. The property of someone who hasn’t allowed for the lavatory.
    3. The place is endowed (given as Waqf) for use by particular groups, such as schools.
    4. Upon the graves of believers (Momineen) if cause a disrespectful manner.
    5. A place where defecating and urinating dishonors one of the sacred things of the faith (Issue101).

    Three: Methods of Purifying the Urinary or Faecal Outlets

    1. Purification of the urinary outlet:

        It is purified only by water (Issue103).

    1. Purification of anus is in two ways:

    First Way: The anus is purified by nonwater in the following conditions:

    1. a) The feces must not remain in it (Issue 104(.
    2. b) Anus can be purified with stone, earth, cloth, etc., if they are dry and pure (Issue 105(.

    Second way: In the following three cases, the anus is purified only with water:

    1. a) If another impurity, like blood, comes out with the feces.
    2. b) If an external impurity reaches the anus.
    3. c) If more than usual, impurity spreads on the anus. (Issue 102).

    C- Clearing the Male Urethra of Urine (Istibrā)

    Istibrāʾ is a recommended (mustaḥabb) act that men perform after urination to be sure no urine remains in the urethra. When moisture is later seen, the ablution has not been invalidated (Issue 110).

     Second: Earth

    1. The earth purifies the impure soles of the feet and shoes by walking on it in three conditions:
    2. Earth must be pure;
    3. Earth must be dry;
    4. The impurity (Original Najāsat) on the soles of the feet and shoes be removed by walking on the earth (Issue 221).
    5. Walking on carpets, mats, grass, asphalt, and wood-covered ground will not purify impure soles of the feet and shoes (Issues 221 & 222).
    6. 3. The bottom of a walking stick, the bottom of an artificial leg, the sole of a quadruped animal, and the wheel of a car and a carriage are not purified, but their impurity remains based on precaution (Issues 226).

    Third: Sun

    1. The sun purifies the following cases:
    2. Earth;
    3. Buildings;
    4. Objects that are connected to the building, such as doors, windows, and nails;
    5. Trees and plants before picking them (Issue 229).
    6. The sun purifies impure things based on five conditions:
    7. Impure objects must be wet;
    8. The impurity (Original Najāsat) must be removed before drying and exposing it to the sun;
    9. There must be nothing that prevents the sun from shining on the impure object;
    10. The sun only dry impure objects;
    11. The sun must dry some impure buildings (Issue 229).

    Question (Estefta):

    How can we purify a part of the earth that urine impures it?


     It will become pure if the sun shines directly on it.


    1. What are the conditions for purifying impure objects with water?
    2. What is the method of purifying objects that become impure by urine and feces?
    3. What are the conditions for purifying the earth?
    4. What items does the sun purify?

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